We went to St. George for our family vacation! It was sooo fun and good to get away. We went to Zions national park, kolob national park, Las Vagas, church history sites (Brigham Young winter home, mountain meadow massacre, and the temple) Lots and lots of swimming, tarzan at Tuachon, we played lots of minute to win it games, and just hung out! :) the weather was even great for the first few days, but got hot for shopping in golfing! I have a lot of pictures so just feel free to roam ill try to explain what they are if you couldn't already figure it out! :)

eating dinner at the brick oven before we went to go see tarzan which was the COOLEST thing ever! I strongly suggest anyone going and seeing this!

Weeping rock or something like that on one of the trials at Zions. This was cool to! the rock was seriously dripping water from no where!

minute to win it games!

the coco cola factory in Las Vagas. Katelyn loved this creepy bear!

Kolob :)

good looking family hu?!

weeping rock again..

zions! pretty epic picture!

lots of car rides, this is katelyns favorite thing to do! isn't she cute :)
I LOVE MY SISTERS!! :) Jillisa thinks she looks prego in this picture so if you thought she did to just know that she isn't hahaha
my amazing daddy! :)

my great great great grandpa Henry Lunt, what an amazing man :) also the founder of ceder city!