Neighborhood BBQ! we all got together and our neighbors Carl and Debbie bought a whole bunch of fireworks and we all lit them off and had a fabulous time!!

awww... Chelsi and Auklin! how tender

this is my dads grilling face!! :) we had Brots, hot dogs, stake and chicken, tons of salads, chips and lots of desserts :) YUMMY!!!

this was a really cute float i loved! but you should have seen the herd of missionary that came by :) yahoo!!

nothing better than a bunch of boys in suits :) (and there was one sister missionary couple)

mindy and katelyn. katelyn loved the parade and every time a army guy walked back she kept saying "hey ryan!! come back!!" hahaha (ryan is my cousin that is in the air force right now)

Jillisa and Auklin

we had dinner at Red Robins a few days ago it was way yummy!! and its tradition sorry for the blurryness as you can tell kasey was taking the picture!!