This last weekend we went camping which was a blast until... THE RAIN CAME!! and it came and came and came and the wind came and the hail came... yeah it was pretty crazy! some of us went up early to get camp all set up but once the tents were up we jumped into the tent to play some games to wait out the rain (that didn't stop!) it was tons of fun holding up the tent that was caving in around us we all kept getting closer and closer until it started just to sprinkle and we decided to suck it up and get the fire and other stuff going for dinner!
eating dinner under the car so our food would not go to bad

kasey chelsi and aukin

playing games waiting for the storm to pass

this is at the craven family camp site.. aka the back yard! we had our own fire when we got home and cooked: popcorn, hot dogs, peach cobbler, cinnamon rolls, and starbursts! yumm!!

grandma and auklin

water anyone??

katelyn loves her umbrella

getting closer and closer together

this is when the tent poles came down and we had to hold up the top, sides,and now the front of the tent

you would of had to be there! the clouds were moving in so fast it looked like we were being eaten by them! they just curled and turned!!

hanging out under the tent!
me and baby auklin!! what a happy little guy it was so much fun! it was be a camping trip we never forget that is for sure!!
WOW.^O^ I want to tour like this very much.