it looks like working 2 jobs just to gain some extra cash.. me and laura were helping with my neighbors dance classes recitals.. this was at the gateway it looks like last minute trips to idaho to see your favorite roommates and to hang out and take random pictures!
i love us!! :)
it looks like going to family reunions and tons of hanging out with the family, playing games, eating, and going to lagoon! it looks like going to midnight showings of movies (toy story 3) even when you are exhausted from 4:00- 5:30 shifts at work.. yes that is 4 in the AM to 5:30 at night!... ugh! it looks like taking random pictures on dinosaurs to fulfill your dream of always wanting to!! all in all when i am not working summer looks fun.. but 6 sure does some early so it also looks like early to bed and getting lots of sleep!! :)
there is so much to be said about my dad that i don't even know where to start! He is such an example to me and is always there for me when i need him.. even if it means taking his car to work because george decided to not start that day! He is always busy doing things for other people, hardly taking time for himself. basically i just have the best dad in the whole world! nothing can just be "normal" with my dad around.. example- we went to our craven cousins reunion yesterday, we all went swimming and as soon as dad jumped in he had a game of "don't let the duck touch you" with all of his silly rules like no splashing or usings other things to help the duck.. there is never a dull moment with him around. he is also the best grandpa, always making everyone laugh and have a good time!! i know i have tons to catch up on (ill post updates later) i just though since it was fathers day i would tell you all how much i love and appriciate my amazing dad! i love you daddy!! :)
We went and visited grandpas grave on Sunday with the Watson kids.. here is also a close up for those of you who has not been able to see his grave since the funeral. Its all en graven and done, looks good doesn't it!
thanks grandpa for your service! we love you and miss you tons! :)
i went with some friends on the pass to boondocks and it was soooo fun! it was only 13 bucks for 3 free hours of whatever you wanted to do, and at the end of your 3 hours you still got 5 bucks for arcade games and fun! we did bumper boats, lazer tag, and go carts go carts go carts! it was such a blast!