For all of you who is wondering no I am not dead... just WAY behind! But what can I say life has been CrAzY! Here is a quick recap!
2. Finals were stressful, long, hard, and pointless... but over!
3. After school got out Matt and I headed down to Inkom for the weekend and got Brian, Curtis, Ashley, and Emily to join us which was a BLAST- and REALLY good to catch up with the girls again! :)
4. I started work at KSG again... long days, early mornings, but its money
5.Matt is working full time still driving the Salt Lake Express (which is nice because it means I get to see him every week!!)
6. Wedding plans are coming slowly but surely, we have flowers, and LOTS of ideas! :)
7. Matt came down this past weekend after driving all day- no joke! He worked at 3AM drove down to SLC got back in Rexburg around 4:30 PM just in time to catch the last bus to Utah, and I picked him up in Layton around 9PM... now that's true love for you! I went to work all day Friday and he stayed and helped my mom with wedding things and got lots done! That night we went out to eat with his sister Emily her husband Earl and their little girl Ellie (they came from Twin Falls so it was really fun to see them!)
8. Other than work, wedding, and sleep not much more is happening here! Sorry I have no pictures for this post ill work on getting some soon! :)
Examples Of Movable Pulley
11 months ago
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