Stadium of FIRE!! aka freaken AMAZING! I got to go with my roommates for a girls weekend! It was such a blast and good to all be together again! It's crazy to think about where we started and now where we are... 4 freshman girls living on their own, trying to meet new friends, leaving the family behind, and being excited and scared at the same time to meet boys and now... one is married, I am almost there (22 days!!!), one is up lifting and strengthening testimony's of many young women at a LDS camp, and one is working towards going on a mission.... who would have thought that things would have turned out the way that they did! Life if truly un expected but simply amazing!
So pretty much I am living the dream! I am excited to be married FINALLY and get to start my new life with Matt, but I am also scared at the same time... or maybe its just nerves but is the good kind! Its all I have worked for my entire life and now its only 22 days away... so much to do and so little time! Thank goodness for my angel mother and sisters who most likely put more into this wedding then I do ( I want to do more its just hard when you work from 6-3 everyday...) I hope all is well with you and can't wait to see you shortly! Keep the faith and remember these are the good old days you will wish you had back so enjoy the journey! :)
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