First: Kasey and Chelsi are fixing up the home they just bought! these are some demo pictures work is going good stay tuned for the finally pictures!!

cute little Katelyn

my cute little niece and nephew katelyn and auklin!!

grandma and auklin! aren't they so cute!!

the next big news.... I AM GOING UP TO BYU IDAHO TOMORROW (sunday the 6th) Mom, Dad, Jillisa, Kyron and i are going to sleep over in Idaho Falls and start moving me in to my apratment: The Pines on monday! its crazy this is one of my roommates Ashley!! :) best friends ever since kindergarten!! i can't wait!

our camp reunion! sorry the pictures are kinda blurry... i am trying to upload a movie of our sycronized dance we came up with its pretty funny! hahahahah so if it works ENJOY! lol the picture below says camp! if you couldn't tell :)

Last but not least! Mindy had her baby!! yahoo cute little baby josh! Joshua Michael was 9 pounds 22 inches long and doing great! they were able to come home the next day :) Grandpa Great loves little kids and loves to hold them he just lights up :)

we went and saw UP as a family the Davis District Seminary teachers rented out Kaysville theater so we could all go watch it for only a buck! it was so much fun and a good last hoora with my family before i go!

grandma and grandpa and josh :)

we are so cute :) jillisa me and my adorable mom!! crazy that she is a grandmother of 3 grandkids!! ahhhhh

me and baby josh in the hospital :)

and.... I GOT GLASSES!! :) you like?

me and Katie bug!! i love this girl :)