here are 2 of my really cute room mates! sorry this is a bad picture it was late and we were crazy and tierd!! Emily in the red pants and Lindsay in the blue! they are so much fun! so much stress over not haveing good ones for nothing! they are amazing! we spent most the night just talking with eachother!

me and ashely getting ready for bed!!

ashleys part of our TINY room (all the other ones are big we are just peacemakers!)

my cute little part of the room!! i have a bunck bed! way hard to make my bed in the morning but way cute!! as you can see i love picutes and this is not even half! so please send me tons!! i would love to hear from you my address is fThe Pines 140 W 2nd S Rexburg Idaho 83440 appartment number 10!! :)
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