first: we made the best dollar investment ever! a sling shot!! it works great for water balloons, squash, eggs, milk cartons, garbage.. just about anything you can throw we have done it!! hahaha its so much fun and we have met tons of new people by doing so! who would have thought?? hahaha

second: this is eric and chris :) they are so tight!! we met them a a bon fire we went to on saturday and now we are like best friends they made us dinner the other night (i will tell you later on just keep reading) anyway so we have this amazing tree house in the back of our house and we all love watching scary movies so we went up there last night and watched the Village up in it! it was intense! but so much fun! until my computer died hahah but it worked out cause it was almost curfew anyway!

before the movie we went bowling and went to wendys for a frosty!

(this was the night before checking it out! the only bad part is like no one has been up there for a while so there is apples and leafs all over! nothing a little sweeping can't fix!)

third: tuesday night we were supposed to have dinner with the guys but they had a flag football game that they didn't know about... but no fear we still had a BLAST!! we went to walmart found dollar shirts, spray paint, fruit snacks, and juice boxes rushed home made our shirts grabbed the treats and went to the game!! hahaha it was so fun their name is the Moses Lake Mafia (they are from moses lake washington) their team loves us we were like the soccer moms chearing on our kids with treats and stuff! they call us their Mafia :)

(ashley just got off work when we picked her up so we just sprayed painted her shirt hahah)

Fourth: our Feasta (or however you spell it!) chris went to Mexico on his mission and loves to cook and he said he could make a mean enchaladia so we put it to the test! side note: our FHE dad tyler(the really tall one) and our brother are from moses lake also and they all knew eachother! small world! anyway so Chris (in blue) Eric (striped shirt) and Tyler came over and made us dinner that was really AMAZING!! we hung out the whole night doing lots of random things hahah it was so fun! and this was the 2nd time that some boys had come over to make us dinner! Cam came and made us tocos earlier!


this was at the bon fire!

fifth: sunday family dinner! we had the whole family over for dinner on sunday it was way yummy and fun!! there is Ashley, me, chad, matt, nate, chris, tyler, emily, lindsay, katie and rachel is taking the picture! well everything is going GREAT i love college life minus the lack of money, sleep, and my moms amazing dinners :( but other than that life is amazing!
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