I love this time of year! food, fairs, fireworks, freedom, fun!! ahhhh I love it! we celebrated the forth yesterday by having a big breakfast then heading to the kaysville parade! it was perfect weather with some wind! not the mention the parade was soo fun, minus the annoying kids who would not move out of the way so that we could see, but we got lots of candy, ties, frisbees, and pictures! it was really fun to spend time with the family and to celebrate our independence!
my gangster nephew! haha
one of the many attemps to take a picture!
pretty sweet hu! i had mindys camera the whole time during the fireworks and i am pretty sure i got everyone that went off so if you happened to miss the fireworks just let me know and you can go though my pictures!!
helping grandma hold all of the prizes we got! i think the sun whiped us all out!
dinner at kaseys and chelsis!
i had a little photoshoot with katelyn and auklin! i didn't really get any of katelyn that turned out but these ones are cute of auklin!! :) no only do i love the holiday because of the family, and food i am really greatful for the men and women who made it possible for us to all be free! its the land of the free because of the brave! so thanks to all of those many people who sacrificed sooo much so that i could have the rights that i do!
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