The girl married the prince. And the bad guy is dead.- this week brought you by Disney!
This pretty much sums up the worlds week... as for mine
Matt drove Friday night so he picked me up at 11:00pm and we headed back to Rexburg to surprise everyone (except we didn't get there till around 3 so everyone was sleeping... haha)
The next morning I sad patiently waiting for everyone to wake up, and it was well worth the screams of joy!! :) We hung out with the whole gang.. minus Melissa :( in Idaho Falls that day we went out to eat, went to walmart, played some Frisbee ( I think that is a pointless sport, but we had fun!) mostly just enjoyed each other company! Not to mention it was fun to get out of Utah, away from work and actually have a life again! haha
He also drove back to Utah Sunday around 2 which worked out perfect that I got home in enough time to go to the Craven "masterful discussion" but the downer was I had to miss Mindy's birthday party! ( Her birthday is May 1st which starts the May/birthay madness around our house!!)
After trying on many different dresses at many different stores... okay not THAT many but it sure seemed like a lot I narrowed it down to 2 that I loved. So after work on Monday we went to try on the dress from the very first store at a place called Bridal Satin (BEST PLACE EVER!) after trying on the dress again I knew it was the one! I feel like such a princess and it's the kind I have always wanted!! Good thing we have 2 receptions so I can wear it more than once!!! :)
The rest of the week is going to be pretty laid back with wedding plans and work! My birthday is Monday (the big 20!) Which is SO much older than 19... it just sounds more mature and a perfect age! haha I hope all of your weeks are filled with joy! I hope this week we can all do what we learned in our "masterful discussion" First in, Stand Firm, Last to Leave, and become the person that you want to become and that our Savior wants you to be! Keep the Faith!