Matt and I have been VERY VERY blessed in getting all sorts of furniture and things for our apartment for when we are married!! My aunt and uncle were getting rid of a coffee table and end table so before they could DI them, we snatched them up! :) I wanted to re do them so that they would match our color scheme that we wanted in our apartment. So my mom and I headed to home depot with our vision in mind and ended up finding a primer/ paint gallon paint mis tint for $5.00 bucks, so of course we had to buy it! We bought a few more things and headed home to start on our new project! I wanted to surprise Matt (even though I am not very good at that so he guessed it, little turkey! haha)



getting close...

After!! :) so what do you think?! ( I really wanted to blog about them so I just went out in the garage to take the last pictures so don't mind the bad lighting or wedding gear in there...)

WAHOOOOO!!! :) Yay for free furniture! :) And remember don't get rid of any house hold things that might be useful in a newly wed apartment!! :)
Keep the Faith!
That is absolutely AMAZING!!!! I want to learn how to do that so I can have awesome furniture!