awwww what cute roommates!! we have so much fun together! :)
mamo and me... i am sooo white next to him lol but if it was not for him a toffer we would have been in trouble! there were some CREEPY guys there!!! they were like our body guards we would just give them the "look" and they would dance on over and get the dude off hahah they are such good boys and so fun to hang out with!! nothing better then having a blast while saving haiti!! :)
the other night i broke from my normal friday night tradition (gilmore girls marathon) and went sledding with the girls below us and some of the cabin boys! it was sooo fun we had garbage bags and a few sleds but the most dangerous was the tube.... hahahahah wanting to try new things out lindsay, i, and mamo decided to jump on the tube and go down the hill... mamo was NOT letting go! he was keeping us on no matter what (you should have seen it, sorry i don't have a picture of it!) well things turned from fun to stupid hahaha when we hit at small bump and went flying out i banged my head up pretty bad with a instant head ace, mamo lanned on me but mostly lindsay making it hard for her to breath, after i got elbowed in the eye! but we got back up trying to play it cool ( i mean come on there was a bunch of guys there! you can't act like a pansey!!) lets just say we didn't go down again. instead we started a snow ball fight and played games the rest of the night! :) me and mica, can you name the show? of course! titanic!! you can't really tell but the wind was really bad! this is kinda what we looked like... mallory in the green, mamo in red, and halla in the tan!
boys train! hahah
lindsay didn't know she was also in the picture, this is mallory, mica, nichole, and jami!
yup thats jillisa!! hahahah this is to her! i miss her soooo much she is one of my best friends well today she had surgery... little did i know! i guess i just get left out of stuff ever since i am not home... normally i find out everything when we would have family prayer but that is kinda hard being 4 hours away! :( thanks jillis for all you do for me! you keep my life lively! :) i miss you tons and i hope you get better soon!! if you ever get bored you can give me a call! :) love you tons and tons thanks for being the best sister and letting me tag along with you and your friends! (this was for the nativity play at grandma and grandpas house for christmas) just the traditional jillisa!! :)
we went over to our FHE brothers house the other night and ended up playing a bunch of funny games! hahahah it was so fun! left to right: kristen, matt, ben, lindsay, emily ( her and ashley came up for the weekend) liz, and beau!
hahahah this was right before church! we are crazy! i look a little scary but hey we have fun! :)
hahahah this is my roommate roommate lindsay (she was also my roommate last semester) we both have teeth things in (mine is teeth whiting and hers is her retainer but we matched!)
brian, liz, becca, and lindsay!
i love and miss my old roommates sooooooo much but i looooove my new ones to! they bring over so many new fun people! (mostly guys! which is a BONUS!!) we have sooo much fun! we are constantly dancing and making random movies with music (my video wont up load or i would give you a sneak peek...) this is curtis, melissa and of course me! hahaha theses boys are soooo funny and fun to be with! we had a BLAST the other night and it didn't even matter what we did I LOVE MEETING NEW PEOPLE!
liz, me, and becca had a little photoshoot of our own the other night! hahahah they were all really random like this one!! so you get a little idea!
me and becca! she is simply GEORGEOUS!! she is so fun and super cute!
me and liz! hahaha oh i love her! even when they all make fun of me for my snuggie... secretly they all want one!! random saying: " boys are like snuggies everyone thinks they are stupid but they still want one!" hahahahahahahah pretty smart hu! i love it!! well enjoy your week never stop smiling!
yahoo! we went to boondocks (super fun and cheap!) we went bowling and just hung out with the fam! it was so fun here is nathan and katelyn! they just liked playing on all the arcade games!
oh what cute girls! :)
my cute grandma and mom! and baby josh! it was so much fun to be home for the christmas break! lots of movies, food, family, and fun! now i am back up at school... homework homework homework here i come :( all well its life right! and if i have learned something this year its that life goes by way to fast! so remember to enjoy these days because they are the ones that you are going to want back! so take a deep breath, step back, and enjoy the ride! its life its not supposed to always be easy so just find the good in all things and enjoy it as it comes!! well i hope you have a super fabulous day keep smiling :)
home made Chinese food!! yummmmy orange chicken, won tons, egg rolls, ham fried rice and so thing mindy made.. hahahah i don't remember what it was called! specialty won tons! cream cheese/ strawberry, carmel, carmel and chocolate! yummm yahooo for family traditions! the grandma and the watsons came over to party it up that night! it was so fun and great to bring in the new year with family and food!!