this past weekend i went home for kyrons play and to hang out with the family! saturday we went to a easter egg hunt at Dicks with the family (very interesting... but enjoyable!) after we went to kasey and chelsis and did some yard work including pruning the trees! reconize the tree above? hahaha when kasye left on his mission he left a "winger" on top of the tree that we kept there till he got back and could cut it off himself so we did the same to his tree! hahaha
my little brother kyron was in his jr. high play once apon a matress, he was prince dauntless! it was soo cute! the whole family went on saturday and watched. half the time he couldn't even look at us because he would start laughing! but he is a great singer and actor and over all it was very well put together!!
so today while i was at work this guy came up to the window and started talking to me he needed to get tapes to cds or something so i had to send him across the hall to master control, after he was done there he came back to check out Superman the video! hahah so i asked for his I card so i could check it out to him and guess who it was... JACK WEYLAND!! it was soooo cool! and if you know me at all you know i HATE to read and i never do! well in jr. high i read his whole Charly series (which is a miracle in its self!) so there is my little claim to fame i met and helped Jack Weyland! and funny side note.. while he was here another girl came up to the window and i also sent her somewhere else so jokingly he said "do you always just turn people away?!" hahah what a funny man! heheh so there you have it. Jack Weyland used to be a physics teacher at BYU-Idaho! no wonder why this school is so cool! (and if you read any new books and have a character named Brooke in it's the girl across the hall, he liked her name so he is going to use it in a book. i am going to tell him my name next time cause if he thinks Brooke is cool then i am going to be the MAIN character with my name!!) now thats what i call a good day at the office!!
oh the things i would buy if i had money... first i would buy a freaken amazing cabin and have a bed room up stairs that looks like this!! :) a huge 4 wheeler and and 4 wheeling with my brother ben and roommate liz! :) the back of my cabin would look like this! ( and i am standing on the lake where i can go boating, and jet skiing in the summer, which i will also have!) ill go 4 wheeling for hours with just me and my friends for hours on end in the open roads with beautiful views! :) the front of the cabin would look something like this.. aka AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL!! and always go snow mobiling on my frozen lake in the winter...
and hot tubing with all my friends in my hot tub late at night!
and go shot gun shooting in my spare time!
play on my slide, in my room and play pretend that we are hunters and killed our own bears! and lastly just hang out with my all my friends enjoying the beauty and my huge house! so over all what can money buy you ask.. money buys happiness!! hahahah well sorta! :) but over all it was very enjoyable and the weekend was great!! and it helps that your bishop is a multi millionaire!! dang i love this ward :)
yup!! they are what i call my friends!! hahahah they make me feel at home! i love my weird, crazy, random friends! i would choose no other kind!! :) recently i have had problems with my friends back home :( but its okay now cause i know how to fix the problem.. just get out of it! and so did and never understood how many friends i really have!! they might be... WEIRD! but they are mine! :) so for all of you out there that don't think you that many just remember everyone is some are just more like you than others! and let me tell you i fit in here! :) hahah
even with friends that do this.....
and read this... hahahah so thanks everyone for being my friend! you make life complete!! :)
i love love love little mrs katelyn!! hahah i went home last weekend for kyrons birthday and i got to babysit katelyn and josh! so we took lots of pictures on my web cam!! hahah love it! they were really fun and i got to spend some quality time with my little ones, and best friends! :)
here is to you fatty!! happy 15th birthday! thanks for being my bestest friend!! i love you dude! hope you have a great one! even though you already celebrated it yesterday! hahah but i love you and was glad to spend the time with you this week!! :) keep off the side walks when you get your permit! hahahah happy happy happy birthday!! :)