i love love love little mrs katelyn!! hahah i went home last weekend for kyrons birthday and i got to babysit katelyn and josh! so we took lots of pictures on my web cam!! hahah love it! they were really fun and i got to spend some quality time with my little ones, and best friends! :)
mwah! kissy faces! :*
katelyns pretty princess dress... or her "little birdie" coustume!! hahah i love this stage she is at!!
for all you adults.. when was it that you got to sit at the "big kid table?" i am 18 and so far no luck still at the "little kid" table all well it was a adventure at that! auklin kept pushing the table and katelyn just wanted me to sing the ABC's the whole time! haha
bridesmaid shopping!! :) we (ashley, jenifer, jillisa, mindy, me and mom) went up to provo all day and went shopping Jenifer met us there later! :) it was a fun filled day with the girls! and baby josh. then later that night to celebrate kyrons birthday we went to red robins... YUMMM!
hahahah isn't he such a stud! i love this little kid! and like i said before being a aunt is the best thing in the world! :) i love going home and seeing them!! and as of april 7 i am a full time babysitter hahah well thats what mindy would like... but really i have to work full time :( so if you have any ideas for me i need a high paying job, not fastfood or grociery store! hahah
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