seriously the best thing in the world (right now) is being a AUNT!!!! it is so much fun! i don't know what i would do with out my little guys! they are sent from heaven!! there is never a dull day i can promise you that!
auklin is such a stud and is learning how to talk and walk... super cute! i love this stage! he is such a ball of energy and LOVES sports and any time of ball to play with! he is even getting good at shooting hoops already! such a daddys little boy! hehehe
josh is the youngest! he just started rolling over he is good at smiling and just being content when he is being held and loved! i love this little boy! but the good thing about being a aunt is when its a nasty diaper... yup you guessed it!! MINDY!! hahahahah oh i love it! :)
katelyn is our little miss princess! hahaha ever since christmas when she got her food and kitchen stuff she always wants to have a tea party! hahaha super cute! she also calls me all the time just to chat! she loves the phone, "lips" aka chapstick!, word world, curious george, and elmo! hahaha she has the cutest little voice and has been sick lately so she is super cuddly :) we are bestest friends!
matching hats :) hahaha oh i love being a aunt like i said before ITS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD!!
christmas dinner with the family!! :) i hope you all had a fabulous chirstmas! here is just a bunch of pictures over the last week! hope you enjoy!! :)
me, katelyn, and jillisa!
hahahaha i love auklin such a stud even when he is dressed like a girl! :)
we went to salt lake to see the temple square lights with the family! they were so pretty!!
yahoooo!!! thats right beatles rock band baby!!!
sister sister never such devoted sisters!! :)
we went to ikea on wed. to look around! we met up with the watsons and went to in-n-out burger after! thanks for a fun filled day!! :) we found these sweet hats auklin didn't like his so much!
this year for chirstmas EVERYONE was here! we all slep up stairs... little squishy but it was heaps of fun!! :) mindy, mike, and katelyn!
kasey and chelsi!
mom, kyron, and auklin
mom bought matching pjs for the grand kids! super cute!! i could totally fit in :) hehehe what a lucky aunt am i?!
kyrons favorite gift by far! hahaha well his "opera is sexy" hoodie that kasey and chelsi made for him might come in close!
what a cute little guy! he is so much fun to be around!
cute little katelyn!! :) what a teaser! hahaha she is such a fun ball of energy! what would we do without her?! well i hope you enjoyed the random pictures and had a very merry christmas! and a happy new year! :) best wishes!
yesterday was our annual craven family chirstmas party! i love it normally we do a progressive dinner thing but this year we just stayed at my uncle rons and aunt beckys house! they just re modeled their house and it is simply GORGEOUS!! so it was still in the finishing stage i am excited to see it all finished! anyway we did our tradtional nativity play (every one must be in it somehow!) and its super fun with all of the little kids now! also the cutest sheep! Grandma and Grandpa started an amazing traditon that i look forward to each year! its a great time to reflect on the birth of our savior and to share that with our family! craven family clan all decked out and ready to preform! haha chelsi is missing because she was taking wedding pictures we sure missed her! if you can tell mindy and mike are mary jospeh and baby josh is jesus kyron and katelyn are lamanintes kasey is samuel, auklin being his son? hahah not sure what he was and jillisa and i were wise (wo)men! hahaha i love it! what super cute sisters are we? this was jillisa's fist oufit until we found a better one! wise hu? HOW CUTE ARE THEY!?! hahahah auklinn is just a little stud! he wanted to play dress up to well sorta he took it off soon after!
yea for snow! and roommates!! well the semester is almost over its a bitter sweet feeling i am going to miss my roommates a ton!! we have tons of fun together so on sunday we went and took winter pictures! it was fun but freezing!!
me lindsay and emily... for chirstmas me and ashley made hats for everyone!
yup look close those are totally FOOTED PAJAMAS!! hahahahaha i love my totally crazy amazing roommates! we all just get along! so for emilys birthday we went Christmas shopping all day and bought ourselves a little gift!! hahahaha this is emily in the green and lindsay in the blue!
arn't they soooo cute! and SUPER WARM!! ahhhh its so nice!!
hehehehehe we are funny!! hope you enjoyed the blast from the past!!
i miss my family and my home so so much but most of all i miss my mom right now... so we have been out of toilet paper now for 4 days (when a roommate says that she is going to go get some and bring a whole bunch back from home the day you run out don't trust her! FYI) anyway so we have been using napkins and tissues which we also just ran out of... after grabbing a bunch from the school bathrooms whenever i would go there we decided to just go barrow a roll and pay them back when we get some! everyone keeps thinking that they got the last one but i have a witness... mom you know i did cause i brought 8 rolls back from thanksgiving break!! so being the subborn girl i am i am not going to buy the next ones someone will cave in soon enough i hope! fingers crossed!! so thanks mom for the years of never running out of toilet paper and having it magically appear on the roll i love you! next issue... the DISHES!! grrrrrr once again my mom can back me up on it that i am normally really really clean and constantly am picking up the house and helping out where i can! well i gave in no matter how much i do the dishes they keep getting higher and higher no matter what we do! we even have a sign on our dishwasher that says if they are clean or dirty! come on not much easier than that! but i finally caved i had to i couldn't stand it any longer and i didn't have any clean cups! not fun i will have you know so after our ugly sweater christmas party i dove in and started on the mess.. ashley cleaned the living room and kitchen floor and all that stuff (we really are the clean ones! its annoying i have stories if you want to hear!!) anyway so after a few hours i finally finished!! i hope it will not get that bad again and i guess i will just have to suck it up cause no one else will put their dishes in the dishwasher grrrr ewe i know! it was bad and this is not even all of them! i am kind of embarrased to show this but its also kinda funny... so mom thank you also for always doing the dishes without complaint.. minus the time you went on strike and was the mom for the day! but being here made me apprciate you so much and all that you do! i never relized all of the work you mothers do! so thanks to all the moms that do so much sorry if your work goes un noticed! i now know maybe a glimpse of how you feel! love love love you mom! p.s side note! finals are coming! AHHHHHH scary its cramming time so wish me luck cause all i can think about right now is going home and chirstmas!! i love the holidays as i would say "GOD BLESS AMERICA!! I AM SO GREATFUL TO BE AN AMERICAN" hahahaha gotta love family! (thats for you jillisa, kasey, and chelsi!) :)
yahooooo!!! david archuleta came to BYU-Idaho on his chirstmas tour and he was simply AMAZING!!!!! i was in aww the whole time! at the beginning Benten Paul opened it up with him and his band he was also AmAzInG! i had never heard of him before but i want to go look for his c.d! i almost got ran over by him cause i didn't know what was going on and before i knew it he was right behind me, we jumped out of the way and got a good smile and a hi five! then after the small break it was DAVID!!! he was the bomb. com!! Ashleys sisters amber and courtney came up we also went with her cousins :) super fun!! thanks to emily and lindsay we got good seats because while i was making the shirts they went to save seats!! thanks! here is the front of the shirts! oh and the dude is ashleys cousin BTW, it goes nate, ashley, me, courtney, amber, kirsten
like the back?? hahaha it says david if you couldn't read it!
HE IS HERE!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH SIMPLY AMAZING! i don't think i will be able to talk in the morning from screaming so much! he started with his hitt songs and then went into the christmas part! i am so so so glad i have his Christmas C.D i listen to it everyday! i love it my favorite song is probably PAT A PAN he sings the first in french and then english if you do not have the C.D i strongly suggest you get it! he has such an amazing voice and can make any song sound amazing! i love love love it!! I LOVE DAVID ARCHULETA!! he is so humble, sweet, happy, funny, and has an amazing voice! he wouldn't stop smiling! and even came back out for a on core!! yahoooo!!! next concert Brooke White!! :) yahoo i loved her so much to! i can start a busniess with making shirts!! so basically i LOVED his concert, you should buy his C.D, and i can't talk.. but TOTALLY worth it!! :)