i just wanted to tell my amazing family how much i miss and love them! i am so blessed to have you and don't know what i would do without you! thanks for all the loving words and text :) you make my day every time i get one! to my parents: thank you so much for all that you have done for me i think i took for granted a lot of the things that you did for me like a fridge of food, clean clothes (without paying) and just a smile to brighten my day love you tons!!:)

to my favorite siblings: i don't know what i would do without you either! it was so hard leaving you especially you ky i know we tease you but your one of my best friends and i don't know how i would live without you! thanks beaner for all the facebook comments i love reading them and looking back at better times! mindy and mike! thanks for the pictures and texts! i hope you are likeing living in your own house again! kasey and chelsi- thanks for your examples and love and just checking up on me whenever i love you all and miss you so so much!

our famous dog pile for every family picture we have! :)

doug and emmys (this is granny annies but same thing! )

i love you jillisa and look up to you so much! you have been though so much and i admire you for moving on and loving life still!

arent we so so cute! i love you guys and my adorable mom! don't worry i will ask that question you know which one i am talking about when i find that right guy! :)

to my adorable little ones: i know you can't read or really remember who i am but just know that i miss you guys so much! i love being a aunt! you are so blessed to have the family you do! we are awsome!:) thanks for the cute pictures (chelsi your the best!) i love seeing your smiling faces! xoxoxo

my adorable katelyn! love you tons! i don't have any pictures of baby josh up! but i miss and love him tons to! he gets so big so fast! crazy how time flys! well don't forget about me up here i am only a letter or phone call away! xoxoxo
Your post made me cry! I miss you so much too. You are incredible and I love, love, love you tons! You are such an amazing young woman and so loved by so many! Have a wonderful day and I can't wait to see you next weekend!