its official i have the best family in the world!! i don't know what i would do without them! this week is siblings week so i just wanted to tell them all how grateful i am for them and all that they do for me! i don't know where i would be without them! they are my best friends!! i hope you enjoy the TONS of pictures of us but there is just soooo many! how could i pick?! our too traditional/famous poses that we ALWAYS do whenever we are taking pictures!!
we have had many adventures together! this being high on the list!! hahahah gotta love camping!! :)
how many cravens can we fit on a small couch?! hahaha good thing we all love each other! :) me and ky! hahahah miss this little guy.. sorry did i say little?! hahah yeah right!! :) i have the best n-laws also!! i am soo blessed! we all get along so well and always have fun! even when ripping out walls!! the best older sisters anyone could ever ask for!! even if we might have had our stuggles growing up... mostly between me and jillisa debating between whos week it is to do the bathroom or whos side of the room is more messy but it was all worth it!! mindy has always been the peace maker in our home! i hope one day to be just like them!! :) I LOVE MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS!! once you move out you really start to relize how much you rely on them to keep you going! i don't know what i would do without them! i know that they are always there to talk to or to remember the good old days!! we are so blessed to all get along (sure we have those days were someone (kyron lol) is annoying and we all kinda get on end but its easier to get over it now that we are all older!) so happy sibling week! love you guys :) thanks for all you have done for me!! i don't know what i would do without you thanks for being my bestest friends :) love love love you!!
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