Today I am grateful for: musically talented people! Yesterday Ashley and I random decided to go with the boys (Brian, Drew, and Matt) to Inkom (Matt had to sing in a priesthood meeting, and also our friend Micheal was giving his farewell talk) We didn't get to bed till about 2 in the morning, woke up at 4, out the door by 5 in Inkom by 6:45 ish.... and so on the day was non stop going from church to church, family to family, trying to visit everyone we had to. Our last stop was at Matt's aunts house for scone Sunday! :) While we were there we kind of had a mini musical talent show, singing songs, playing songs, and his aunt played the organ... yes in their house! And she was AMAZING! I though organs could only play hymns nothing like what she was playing! She even won Miss. Idaho with her organ playing talent skills!! So basically I was in heaven tonight listening to everyone sing and stuff it was so fun! I wish I was half as talented as them!! So today I am grateful for: musically talented people!! :) :)
Examples Of Movable Pulley
11 months ago