Today I am grateful for: fridays! they are just the best! Ill give you a little run down of my day yesterday: I woke up at 9:30 because my 7:45 class is only on Mon. and Wed so I get to sleep in on Fridays! :) well I wake up go to my advanced writing/ critical thinking class when we were talking about assumptions and how you can't always assume everything is a sign, so he stared to play some "hey jude" from the Beatles and I started my work of art. (maybe ill post that later!) Anyway after that class I walked up to the Ricks with Brian, found a seat by the window that looked over campus and started to do homework while I waited for my next class to start (my middle class is also only a Mon. Wed class) I saw a old friend and we talked for about a hour or so until I had to go to my History class (side note: my teacher is the history! he is sooo old! but its good cause he forgets things...) so my group was up first to present our slide of questions (he doesn't teach. the class is split up into groups and he makes power points and we all go up and read them... weird I know but that's how the pointless class is.) But knowing that he is so old he just skips right over our group and on to the next! yahooo because I didn't want to teach anyway. So... I kept working on my art work! After class I was done for the day, I called Mindy and my Mom on the way home and had a good little chat. Played Mario Kart with the guys until we ate dinner and watched "prince of Egypt" after the movie we went to go buy JUST DANCE 2! only the best WII game ever!!! but our walmart didn't have it (big shocker there!) so we headed down to Idaho Falls or IF as we call it (just for you Jillisa) Just then Brian called when he got off work at downeast down in IF saying that his car would not start so we first went to go jump his car, get the game, jump his car again then finally around 11:30 headed home to go play just dance... where I now hold all of the high scores!! :) whoot whoot I forgot to say that my cousin also came up from ISU to sleep over :) So basically it was a crazy, random, fun filled night just one of the reasons why I am grateful for: fridays!!!
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