So pretty much I have the best friends! :) I went to Ashleys house for new years eve and we partied hardy with a bunch of people! We have gotten together now for the last 3 years and it gets better everytime! I love it!


Christmas was a success! I got everything I wanted :) :) :) :) my parents are pretty much amazing. This year both of my parents got the exact same thing for each other (which was funny because all of the kids knew that they were getting each other them!)

Our New Years tradition is making Chinese food! normally we have the Watsons with us but they had to go and move to Texas :( we missed you guys! Well it is official its finally a new year! 2010 was a great year but I am officially not going to be a teen this year! whoot whoot!
This semester is going to be so fun, I am already starting into my major which means I am that much closer to graduating! yahooooooo
LOL! I hope they saved the receipt. I guess it's true, great minds do think alike.