Today I am grateful for Devotionals and Brother Charles W.
Dahlquist: Below is our new
BYU-I Center (boring name we know
that's why we just call it the
byuic for short) This building is AMAZING! It looks like a mini conference center and it is so beautiful! The
byuic just got dedicated on December 17, 2010 so its brand spanking new, this is the first semester to have devotionals there. This building brings a different feeling (not that the heart where the
devo. used to be didn't) Today Brother
Dahlquist spoke and it was one of those talks that you just needed to hear! He also told the boys to be bold and ask the girls out, and also that its okay to hang out during the week but you need to be out on a date holding hands with a girl on the weekend. It was really funny! If you want to read his amazing talk go here: and click on the Jan. 18 devotional by Brother Charles W.
Dahlquest. If its not up then keep trying it might not be streamed yet, and if you can't get to the link let me know and I will try something else! Trust me it is worth your time :)

ITS HUGE!! if you want the whole effect you are just going to have to come and visit me and we can go check it out together! I could even pull some strings and get a tour hooked up for you!

This is still during construction but you get the idea! Like I said come check it out ;) today I am grateful for devotionals and brother
Dahlquist :)

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