As you can tell I am so blessed and so grateful for it! This week one of our neighbor girls passed away due to cancer and it has just really shown me how fast life goes by and not to take anything for granted. I am going to start this new 30 photo challenge that my dad told me about (he said for the year but that is kinda long!) basically you just show what you are grateful for that day whether big or small! If you feel like you are extremely blessed or maybe you feeling over whelmed and stressed I encourage you to look for something every day that you are thankful to have and maybe even take a picture of it to show thanks for our Heavenly Father.
Today I am grateful for my grandparents! The ones on this earth and the ones watching over me in heaven. I am so blessed to have grown up in the family I did and that we can all be faithful member of the church. My grandma Craven is really a example to me these days. She always lets me know that she is thankful for me and praying for me. A while ago she sent me a letter that made my day, just telling me some stories about her friends and her testimony. My grandparents are my hero's and I don't know what I would do without them in my life! Thanks for all of the support and love it means the world to me! They are such example to me and today I am thankful for their legacy and for setting the example for me. I love you all and hope you all know how truly blessed we all are!
Grandma and Grandpa Craven

PS I know I didn't take these pictures but I couldn't pass up the time to thank them for everything they have done for me!
PSS school is going great! I am finally working on classes in my major (PPE) and loving it! ill post pictures and up date more later.. but duty call and I have to go to class!
I hope you know Miss Brielle how truly incredible you are! You inspire me and I love you :) What a blessing you are to me!!! Have a happy day :)